Friday, 29 November 2013

Feature/Double page spread construction

Firstly, I opened an A3 document in Photoshop.

I then added my main image to the right side of the page - chose the right side because I wanted my model facing the middle of the page. I chose this image as I thought it represented my target audience the best because of the quality, model and position. Using the same technique as my main cover image, I perfected the skin with the Spot Healing Tool and airbrushed parts of the face. I then also added smoke effects using smoke brushes with an opacity of 45%. I did this to make the photograph look more interesting and also because it fits with the article.

Next, on the left side, I put in borders using the Rectangle Tool to split up the page and added the heading and sub heading of the article. This will make the page look more interesting and also make it easier for the audience to read.

I then added my article text in two columns on the left. Also, on the right, I added a red box with a low opacity with a quote from the article inside to help it stand out. I added a quote from the article in a larger font so the reader can see part of the article making them want to read more.

Lastly, I added three other images with different poses for the middle column with words describing the images. This also makes the page look more interesting and gives the reader something to look at before reading the whole article making them want to read further.

As with my contents page, after taking some more photography, I decided to use this image on my feature page instead of my last one because the image looks more interesting. I kept the same layout throughout the page, but had to change the gender of the story because of the image change. I think with this change, the page looks more interesting as a whole and will attract my target audience because of this.

1 comment:

  1. Your drafting/construction posts show excellent use of media terminology relating to the programs you used. However, you must:
    1) Say why you made certain choices in terms of following conventions/representing your audience.
