Friday, 29 November 2013

Contents Construction

Firstly, like my cover page, I opened a new A4 document in Photoshop.

Next, I added rectangle shapes creating thin borders splitting the page into 4 parts. This makes the page look more interesting and also makes it easier for the audience to read as it is split off into sections with relevant information in each section. I then overlaid the same grunge lens flare texture over the borders so they looked more interesting.

I wrote the word 'Contents' at the top of the page so it sat on top of the first rectangle. I did this because this is a common convention that is seen on magazine contents pages and makes it more clear to the reader as to what they're looking at. I also the volume and number of this issue in the right side of the rectangle.

Next, I added my main image to the page and used the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the area of the image I wanted, inversed the selected area and deleted the area that I didn't want in the image making the main image the right size.

I added my other three images between the main image and the top rectangle and used the same selection>inverse>delete technique to get them the right size. I used these images because I think they represent my target audience the best because the models are of a similar age to the majority of my target audience.

I then added the page number and the numbers for each story of the images in a contrasting colour to the background and but a box around them. I also added a black rectangle the same size as the bottom blue one next to it.

Next, I added the information to the bottom section and added a title in the black rectangle of 'What's New?'. This clearly shows my target audience what this part of the page is about and gives them relevant information.

I then added in the main text for the contents page on the right side of my main image. I used different colours and bigger fonts for the headings to show my target audience the more important parts of the text first before they read the whole story.

In the left section of the page, I added a top 20 R&B singles chart with up and down arrows depending if the track has moved up or down the charts. This represents my target audience because they will want to know this information if they are into music. It shows clearly the most popular music and shows what it is doing well in the charts.

After taking more creative photography, I decided to change the main image on my contents page. I kept the layout of the page the same, but had to change the colour of the text on the right so that it was easier to see on top of the image. I also updated the masthead on the top left. I think this image makes the page look more interesting and therefore represents my target audience better.

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