Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Creative Feature Page from Pinterest

Here is a feature page that I found on Pinterest; because I don't know what magazine it has come from, I don't know the genre of magazine. However, the images, fonts and lexis suggest that this is from a fashion magazine of some sort. I have chosen to analyse this feature page because I think that the layout is interesting and it is more creative than other feature pages from popular magazines.

The layout of the page follows conventions in that it has an image covering one half of the double page spread and text on the other. I particularly like the layout of the text on the left hand side and how they have made it seem like the text is being held up. Obviously my feature page will include more writing to do with the article, but I do like the simplicity of the heading on the left and would like to try something similar in my own work. The image on the right take up the whole right hand side page which gives the reader a good view of the content of the image.

The main colours used on this double page spread are red, white and black. These colours create a statement on the page which also makes me think that this has come from a fashion magazine. The colour red could represent either love and passion or anger. This colour scheme is fluent throughout the double page as they are the only colours within the image and then is follows through to the text.

There is only one image used on this page; although this is different to the other feature page that I analysed, it still works with the layout and makes the reader interested. This page is not as busy and doesn't have as much content as the Net-A-Porter one, but it is the simplicity that is what makes is interesting. It is difficult to see if the model in the image is a mannequin or whether a person has been made to look like that. The image is very creative in itself as the idea to have model/mannequin dressed in a ballerina style and being what looks like held by ribbon that is attached to the ceiling is original. Although my feature article will not feature a model dressed or positioned in this style because it won't fit with the regional genre, I felt it was important to analyse a feature page that was quite different compared to popular magazines as having ideas like this will make my magazine stand out against others of a similar genre.

In terms of the lexis, the heading reads 'A Dreamlike State of Mind'. This heading sums up the image in that the idea is very 'dreamlike'. The purpose of this feature page is to promote and advertise jewellery that the model is wearing. This suggests that the jewellery that the page is promoting is of a unique and 'dreamlike' style. The page doesn't have a lot of writing, but what is there shows the purpose of the page.

The typography for the heading is of a Times style font and is positioned in different angles to make it looks like the text is hanging from the top of the page. The font that is used for the main parts of text is very similar which is unusual because a complimentary font us usually used for the other text on the page.

Overall, I like this page because I think the layout is very creative and stands out against other magazines. I would like to experiment with similar ideas and layouts for my feature page so that  it looks different compared to others.

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